The Confrontation (Spirit Trap) 2018

Call, me, they, I ain’t ever been no princess I’m a mermaid valkyrie. Call me Involuntary Eyeroll, look so high,  you will never touch me. I will never see your ass in Richmond since my older brothers name is Legion. You won’t even step to me. I'm no hero. At your best you won dirty with your daddy’s unchecked american mastercard expressed dirty history. white car wash drive by. betcha plates got history, spitting image of your holy mother fucking ghost got off average Joe, Dylan, Peter, Scott free-too-easy

dipschitz shit’s worth more than every check never got, big surprise. Definition: slavery, got a big smile. reparations ain’t so hard for germany, but they’re ivory. Making you a parasitic moral-less disease spreading incestuous flea at least for starters to be honest, bleach please.

Wait -- Is it just me or didn’t we already solve this scooby doo mystery. i mean if we ever faced off, i would take your face off. You would not know fascism if it hit you in the face with a dictionary. Would you ever think maybe the only reason your lovely little heavens so bright so tightly white knit american white wet dream apple pie family. Nuclear family, you’ve been nuking families cause you steal all your light from hell fire, I mean clearly you’ve never seen a kinkos. you can’t copy right. You’re fired. plagiarize your wife speech from ivanka's princess queef -- you’re not supposed to recognize her like that, daddy… You think respect is your dick in Melania’s mouth just because you got the groceries? Big deal. Big prick. New card. Old trick. Don’t apologize when we know your pride’s too big just don’t tell us no more lies about how small it is.

Okay, okay, I get it. I guess I'll give you some credit. I notice you're just too sloppy to qualify as a super villain. i mean even hitler's embarrassed and yet somehow you’ve never even known your own thought before but what makes you think being a villain is justifiable cause. Please notice: i never called you a super-villain, again, because you are just too sloppy. I guess you’ve got presentation but who cares when it’s a negative googleplex on a scale of one to ten of decent human standard conditions at BEST

I get that just because your bank account can take it you think that somehow entitles you to some kind of world domination, but you’ll never stop to think who didn’t make it because of you. And that’s why we can’t stay silent while you're violently kicking and screaming the world to ashes around you. But I guess I gotta say, not bad for a bridge troll starving for a bitch toll. Never satisfied since your lies can't match your greed but in this moment were as old as we're gonna be.

If you don't respect me... then my gender aint your business. Fine, I’m a woman, and again that shit still is not your business. And when did you last check your ego or should i say stroke it, cause your clock hands seemed to have stopped in 2005, and you know what? (What?) Well, Time is money, slick.

Check the pin, since i can’t trust you can even read my lips

Yeah that’s right, I could shit a better president and I don’t need a gun to win an argument.

(Don’t look now but your cabinet forgot you)