Bad Day (2019)

I'm pretty sure I'm dreaming but I haven't slept in days 

Don't believe in demons, only mans a rusty animal 

Can't complain what is rational …

I been thinking too much about all the same shit but I’m not tryna make every piece about a politic. I’ve been running from these demons that been plagued my pagan eyes since I was young, 1500s young. I can prove it. I’ve seen Every prophet lie. Blind scene, take a penny, take a five, you say you don’t judge me youre a liar. I’ve been seeing outlines back since I was 13. Souls, spirits, ghosts tryna talk to me they say help the children but they mouth full with a chokehold reach. Souls of every lost people lost species lost causes over easy, last time, I’m lost please. I know I dance like I never had to duck and weave but treat me like a stolen symphony, dark thoughts semi sweet tell me is this sanity? but we can’t live without Cold Shoulder fallout. we can’t veto, no tomorrow so, I’ll be taking notes. note it I’ll be taking tokes. I burnt the contract after reading “agent blue: mission zero.” even pieced Doves take a suicidal nose dive. we can drown out agent orange. we can try. we the people, we the g tho, we lift religion where are WE tho, yes we swore there was no evil, people change, but who am I without a pardon just a daily reprieval. who am I. am I the evil. am I lightning, am I madness. I am tragic, I am careless. I have fought the ripping multiverse just prove I know that I have verse. New Assignment. rewrite history. rewrite something better for my black family. at least I’ll fake it out alive. yes I’m stumbling less, unless you wanna try to swap a shoelace for a bow tie. you wonder with no point why do we even vote to be credit less accomplices of every presidential war crime. send it overseas, tax the weak. Mother Nature hysterectomy, can’t get out the dodge, dodged another sequel dragons wake up see the flaming eagle order takeout don’t touch it throw it out but this is some primordial ordeal tho

I'm pretty sure I'm dreaming but I haven't slept in days 

Don't believe in demons only mans a rusty animal… Excuse me, goddamn. 

hey I’m trying to name focus call it hot talk. but look you know I know that apathy the tax doesn’t have to add up even. at the very least maybe mr spock with captain tupac no mythology but what we need. not a lot to make ends meet… we know too much. admit we caused this lost paradise dream. nothing we can do with an over under whelmed cathedral. let the deluge rage free. you can’t sing through my head Lines. title waves iconocla-schism ain’t no prison without bodies, just a human rights of tsunamis. I know there’s nothing I can stop get taken prisoner of course for screaming we the people in the street. mortal Kombat just for sport, street fighter kind of court. You’re just a long pig with a long con. gavel. counterclaim. “face it straight! get em! beat em up guys! take em Down!” bullet 44 soul calibur, torch the pitchforks! we fight along the jet lines or do you speak in backwards lives I’ll see you in D.C. and you will never catch my hitchhike 

I’m the trouble but if I’m in it you know i’m finna call mike. Mike that public safety guy. Mike he former ice-y guy. mic: he don’t believe in the fight for fight but he knows fo sho he’s met that television anti christ. feed our post partum regression. bide the post Obama obsession. bite our own hands. post social media bot follow, hoax, fake news, market, madness, weak, network, real work, but we still gotta network in the real world thought bubble buffering loading, redirecting, error 404. you’re a coroner got your business hurt by some scam artist virus girl? We’ve been coughing on the tefellin then we made it sexy in reverse. coronas measly lite in the Tork — but we still got to stand up annihilate this invasion in the hood. stand up Bannon. imma kill you motherfucker. this is show time. you can’t cock and bully free. get ready fighters, cause you still can’t corner bound me. back it up now. better nobody blink case you might miss the wholesale silent poll 

your lack of voice ought a be a criminal. all you gotta do is show up, doll 

this ain’t any random hell 

its fucking retail.

I'm pretty sure I'm dreaming but I haven't slept in days 

Don't believe in demons only mans a rusty animal 

Cant explain when its irrational 

You know they're out to get you anyway, 

Just cause you got some sort of body on a bad day. 

That's how breathing works. Excuse me, goddamn.